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Writer's pictureKari Monty

The Business of Being an Author

Welcome to The Business of Being an Author! This post serves as a guide for writers who aim to not only create captivating stories but also wish to turn their passion into a profitable venture.

In an industry that's as competitive as publishing, it's often challenging for authors to understand the ins and outs of making money from their craft.

This post will shed light on important aspects of the publishing industry and provide strategies for long-term success, including:

  1. The mechanics of the publishing world

  2. The power of blogging and advertising

  3. Strategies for long-term success


Balancing creativity and entrepreneurship is essential. It's about weaving beautiful narratives while understanding that writing is, at its core, a business. By merging the art of storytelling with strategic business practices, authors can ensure their longevity in this dynamic industry.

So, are you ready to embrace your dual role as an author entrepreneur?

Indie Author Creative Business Plan for Indie Authors

We've created a Business Planner for Indie Authors to help guide you through your business set-up.

Let's get into the business side of your writing career.

1. Treating Your Writing as a Business

When you become an author, you're not just a writer anymore. You're also a business owner. And treating your writing as a business can make a big difference in your success. Here's why:

  • You have control: When you think of your books as products and your readers as customers, you take charge of your career. You get to decide what to write, how to publish it, and how to promote it.

  • You have freedom: Without a traditional publisher telling you what to do, you have the creative freedom to explore different genres and ideas.

  • You can connect directly with readers: Building relationships with your readers is crucial for long-term success. And as a self-published author, you can engage with them directly through social media, email newsletters, and events.

But being an authorpreneur isn't just about having control and freedom. It's also about growing strategically, developing professionally, and managing risks.

1.2 Setting Up Your Author Business Entity

When you step into the realm of self-publishing or decide to manage your writing career proactively, you transition from a hobbyist to a small business owner. It’s not just about crafting narratives anymore; you're in the business of selling books, building a brand, and cultivating a loyal readership. To navigate this shift effectively, understanding different author business entities is essential for legal protection and financial management.

Sole Proprietorship

The simplest form of business entity is a Sole Proprietorship. This setup means you are your business—there's no legal distinction between personal and business assets.



  • Simple to set up with minimal paperwork

  • Direct control over all decisions

  • Easier tax preparation since income is reported on your personal tax return



  • Personal liability for all debts and legal actions against your business

  • May be more challenging to raise capital or get business credit


Limited Liability Company (LLC)

For those seeking a buffer between their personal assets and their writing endeavors, an LLC offers limited liability protection. It's a popular choice among authors who want flexibility along with the protection of personal assets.



  • Protects personal assets from business debts and liabilities

  • Tax flexibility—choose to be taxed as a sole proprietor, partnership, or corporation

  • Can enhance credibility with readers and industry professionals



  • More complex and costly to set up than a sole proprietorship

  • Annual fees and compliance requirements vary by state


Corporation (S Corp or C Corp)

A Corporation could be the way to go for authors planning extensive growth or looking to bring in investors. It's the most complex structure but offers significant benefits for the right situations.



  • Personal assets are protected from business liabilities

  • Potential tax advantages and savings at higher income levels

  • Ability to sell stock and raise capital more easily



  • Most costly and complex to establish and maintain

  • Subject to double taxation (for C Corps), where profits are taxed at both corporate and personal levels when distributed as dividends


Choosing The Right Entity For You

Deciding on the best author business entity hinges on several factors:

  1. Business Goals: Consider long-term plans for growth, revenue expectations, and investment needs.

  2. Risk Tolerance: Assess your comfort level with assuming personal liability.

  3. Tax Implications: Understand how each entity impacts your tax obligations.


Selecting the appropriate business structure is pivotal but can be intricate. Consulting with a legal professional who understands self-publishing intricacies ensures you choose an entity aligned with your goals as an author entrepreneur.

By grasping these foundational aspects of author businesses, writers can take informed steps towards establishing their ventures on solid ground. With the right structure in place, authors can focus on what they do best—creating stories that captivate while confidently managing the backend of their burgeoning enterprise.

1.3 Managing the Finances of Your Writing Business

When you become an author, it's important to think of yourself as a business owner and not just someone who enjoys writing. This shift in mindset is key to building a successful career. To help you manage your finances effectively, we'll cover two essential topics: bookkeeping and taxes.

Getting Bookkeeping Right

Bookkeeping may not be the most exciting part of being an author, but it's crucial for your success. Here are some tips to help you stay on top of your finances:

  • Track Every Penny: Keep a record of all your income (such as book sales) and expenses (like editing fees or marketing costs).

  • Organize Your Finances: Create categories for different types of transactions, such as royalties, advertising expenses, or travel for book events.

  • Consider Using Accounting Software: Tools like QuickBooks or FreshBooks can simplify the process of managing your finances.

  • Review Regularly: Set aside time each month to review your financial records and make sure everything is accurate.

Remember, good bookkeeping is not only important for tax purposes but also helps you understand the financial health of your writing business.

Navigating Tax Territory

Understanding how taxes work for authors can save you money and prevent problems with the IRS. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • Know Your Deductions: Educate yourself on what expenses you can deduct as a writer, such as home office costs or research materials.

  • Consider Quarterly Taxes: If you expect to owe more than $1,000 in taxes for the year, you may need to pay estimated taxes four times a year.

  • Save Your Receipts: Keep all receipts related to your writing business in case you get audited by the IRS.

  • Get Professional Help: Hiring a tax professional who specializes in working with authors can provide valuable guidance and potentially lower your tax bill. The IRS is ever-changing and only a tax professional will know all the ins and outs that will best benefit your author business.  We recommend Nicole Odeh of Plot Twist Bookkeeping. You can contact her at

Taking the time to understand and manage your finances will help you build a sustainable writing career. It's not just about being creative – it's about being business-savvy too.

Indie Author Creative Business Plan for Indie Authors

2. Crafting a Strategic Author Business Plan


2.1 Leveraging Your Unique Brand as an Author

Imagine walking into a bookstore. Thousands of books line the shelves, each vying for attention. Now imagine your book among them. What makes it stand out? Here's where your author brand comes into play, acting like a beacon, guiding readers to your work.


Why a Strong Author Brand Matters:

  • Recognition: Readers will start to associate your name with a certain quality and type of writing.

  • Trust: Establishing trust through your brand leads to reader loyalty and word-of-mouth recommendations.

  • Professionalism: A well-crafted brand signals to publishers, agents, and peers that you mean business.

Building Your Brand: Steps to Get Started:

  1. Identify Your Unique Selling Points (USPs): What sets you apart from other authors? It could be your writing style, the genres you explore, or even your personal story.

  2. Visual Identity: Create a logo or choose consistent fonts and colors for your website and promotional materials.

  3. Voice and Tone: Whether it's on social media or in interviews, the way you communicate should mirror the tone of your books.

  4. Engage with Readers: Build relationships by being accessible and responsive on social media platforms and at events.

Remember, consistency across all platforms is not just a buzzword; it's the cornerstone of branding. Make sure everything from your Twitter bio to your book covers tells the same story about who you are as an author.

Crafting Your Brand Statement:

Think of this as your elevator pitch but for your author persona. In a few sentences, encapsulate what you write about and why someone should read your books. This statement can guide all aspects of marketing and help keep your messaging on track.

Let's take J.K. Rowling as an example:

Before: A single mother on welfare.

After: The creator of Harry Potter, beloved by millions worldwide.

Her brand revolves around her rags-to-riches story and her creation of an entire magical universe that appeals to all ages.

Social Media Marketing: Embrace It

Social media is non-negotiable in today's market. Networks like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are invaluable tools for building and engaging with your audience.

  • Hashtags & Trends: Jump into relevant conversations using hashtags or by contributing to trending topics.

  • Content is King: Share insights into your writing process, book teasers, or even personal anecdotes that align with your brand.

  • Consistency & Scheduling: Regular posting keeps you on readers' radars without overwhelming them.

When it comes to platforms like Instagram, think visually. Share images that reflect the themes of your books or snapshots from author life—book signings, a peek at your writing desk, or a shelfie (a selfie with your bookshelf!).

Consider this: Hugh Howey used his blog to build an audience for his "Wool" series long before he published them. He created demand by offering free content that hooked readers in for more.

In essence, crafting an author business plan isn't just about plotting out financials—it's about plotting out the narrative of you. It's strategic storytelling where every tweet, post, and interview contributes to the larger narrative: the story of an author worth reading.


2.2 Reaching Your Target Audience: Effective Strategies for Book Promotion


Crafting an author business plan is a critical step towards achieving your writing career goals. A key component of this plan is outlining effective marketing strategies that align with your author brand. Remember, publishing a book is just the beginning. To ensure your work gets the recognition it deserves, you need to strategically promote it.


Social Media Marketing

Let's dive into one of the most powerful tools in your author promotion toolkit - social media. With billions of users worldwide, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn offer substantial opportunities to connect with readers and amplify your book's visibility. Here are a few tips:

  • Be Active: Regularly share updates about your writing process, upcoming books or events.

  • Engage: Interact with followers by responding to comments and joining relevant conversations.

  • Share Valuable Content: Post snippets from your book, behind-the-scenes photos, or articles related to your book's theme.



Another effective way to reach your target audience is through blogging. A well-maintained author blog builds community, drives book sales and boosts your online visibility.

Here are some tips for maintaining a successful blog:

  • Consistent Posting: Aim to publish new content regularly. This could be weekly or bi-weekly depending on your schedule.

  • Value-Driven Content: Write posts that offer value to your readers. This could include writing tips, industry insights or personal experiences.

  • Guest Blogging: Collaborate with other authors or industry experts by featuring them on your blog in exchange for exposure to their audience.


Diversifying Your Promotional Channels

While social media and blogging form the backbone of many author marketing strategies, there are other promotional channels worth exploring:

  • Paid Advertising: Consider using pay-per-click (PPC) advertising on platforms such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads to boost visibility.

  • Collaborations: Partner with influencers, fellow authors, or book bloggers who can help your book reach a wider audience.


Indie Author Creative Business Plan for Indie Authors

The Significance of Having a Clear Roadmap for Your Writing Career

An author business plan serves not just as a roadmap but also as a compass. It helps you navigate the dynamic publishing landscape and make informed decisions. Defining your target audience, outlining promotional tactics, and setting clear goals are essential components of your business plan.

Your author business plan should reflect your long-term vision and be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the market or your career. Remember, your author journey is unique. What works for one writer might not work for you. Experiment with different strategies, monitor the results, and tweak your plan as needed.

A business plan serves as a guidepost for decision-making and goal setting in the dynamic publishing landscape. Whether it's social media marketing, blogging, or exploring other advertising options, each strategy plays its part in creating a comprehensive and effective author marketing campaign.


3. Long-Term Sustainability in the Writing Business: Nurturing Your Creativity and Managing Challenges


Being an author is more than just putting words together; it's a journey filled with ups and downs. Preserving your passion and maintaining a work-life balance are crucial for long-term sustainability in the writing business.


Preserving Your Passion: Strategies for Maintaining Work-Life Balance as a Full-Time Writer

As a full-time writer, your passion drives your work. However, it can be difficult to stay creative while handling other obligations. Here are some strategies to help:

  1. Establish a regular writing routine: This can help you manage your time effectively and separate work from personal life.

  2. Take breaks: Remember, it's okay to take breaks from your work. Short pauses can refresh your mind and boost creativity.

  3. Pursue other hobbies: Getting involved in activities outside of writing can give you much-needed relaxation and inspire new ideas.


Navigating the Inevitable Highs and Lows of the Creative Journey

Every creative journey has its moments of success and challenges. It's normal to have periods of self-doubt or feel overwhelmed by publishing deadlines or promotional tasks.

Remember: These challenges don't define you as an author!

Here are some steps to take when faced with difficulties:

  1. Practice mindfulness: Focus on the present moment to avoid unnecessary stress about the future.

  2. Embrace imperfection: Not every draft will be perfect, and that's alright! Each revision brings you closer to your best work.

  3. Celebrate small victories: Achieved a word count goal? Finished a challenging chapter? Give yourself credit for these accomplishments!


4. The Business of Being An Author: Book Recommendations and Resources

Embarking on the author-entrepreneur journey? It's time to enrich your knowledge base with these handpicked book recommendations and resources. They'll equip you with the tools to navigate the complex world of authorship and business.


Top Online Platforms and Tools for Author Marketing and Financial Management:


  • For Marketing: Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. These channels allow you to connect directly with readers. Also consider email marketing tools such as MailChimp, which are great for sending newsletters or announcements about your latest book.

  • For Financial Management: Keep track of your finances using apps like QuickBooks. They help manage income, expenses, tax deductions, and more.

Weaving words into stories may be your passion, but remember - success in the writing business requires more than just creativity! By leveraging these resources, you can cultivate the entrepreneurial skills necessary to thrive as an author in today's competitive marketplace.


Diving into the world of authorship is thrilling, but remember, it's also your enterprise. Gaining insights from The Business of Being an Author could be a game-changer—transforming how you navigate this vibrant industry.

Embrace the dual role of creator and entrepreneur; let your passion for storytelling drive you, but anchor your journey with solid business acumen.


  • Step into action: Use what you've learned to shape your authorial venture.

  • Invest in knowledge: Equip yourself with our recommended resources, including the insightful business planner for authors.

  • Forge ahead: The path to becoming a successful author entrepreneur is within reach.


Take a bold step today, check out our accompanying business planner designed with your aspirations in mind. Unlock the potential of your writing career by marrying creativity with strategic business planning—it's time to write your own success story.


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